Hello! I am Andrea Titton, PhD candidate in Quantitative Economics at the CeNDEF group of the University of Amsterdam at the Tinbergen Institute, under the supervision of Florian Wagener and Cees Diks.
Job Market
I am currently on the job market. Find:
My reference letter writers are Florian Wagener (Uni. of Amsterdam), Cees Diks (Uni. of Amsterdam), and Rick van der Ploeg (Uni. of Oxford).
My research focuses on climate tipping points and their economic consequences. I am more broadly interested in environmental economics and game theory, particularly differential and network games.
You can find my work in progress under research.
On the side
I like math and computers. I often play around with Prolog and Clojure. I love games of no chance, mainly chess and domineering. I also like hot water bottles and economic history, especially history of central banking.
Reading now:
- The Story of Work by Jan Lucassen
- On Numbers and Games by John Conway
- The Examined Life by Robert Nozick
- Elbow Room by Daniel Dennett